31 July, 2010


i am embarking on a fitness & weightloss journey. having 3 children in 4 years has certainly taken it's toll on my poor body and being 33 i'm finding things just don't bounce back. each year i get older the struggle seems just that little bit harder.

i have always had to watch what i eat and exercise so i am no stranger to these things, but i have to say it's getting tougher! whilst i do not desire to be as i was pre-children, i want to feel good, both on the inside & the outside.

i have enlisted the help of my lovely sister-in-law belinda, who thankfully happens to be a nutritionist and a kick ass personal trainer, who seriously does kick my ass!

later this afternoon is my session with belinda where we will be taking 'before' photos, this i am NOT looking forward to! she tells me it's a good thing and i will be thankful when i look back that i've taken them, hmm i'm not so sure... however, there are not many things i say no to, so do it i will.

i will keep you all up to date as i work through this journey and i would love to hear if any of you have done/are doing/want to do something similar. the more support we give each other the greater our rewards.

1 comment:

  1. Buy $100 excercise bike from Target and pedal for 25 minutes 4 nights a week min. (I do mine whilst watching Home and Away....saddo that I am but used to watch religiously anyway sat on sofa so figured might as well exercise at same time) and managed to lose 7 kgs...only the 2 kids but I am 39 AND it's got kind of addictive, if I don't pedal I feel lardy and guilty so it seems to be working! (and you look wonderful anyway Nicky!)
